What is Microtunneling (MTBM) Method?

Mircotunneling is a high-performance and environmentally friendly alternative to pipeline construction with trenches. it can also be used in the most demanding of circumstances: ground water and difficult geologies are no problem for microtunneling and it has proven to be a very good method of avoiding obstructions in city centers.

What is Microtunneling?

Microtunneling is a method of installing pipes below the ground, by jacking the pipe behind a remotely-controlled, steerable, guided, articulated microtunnell boring machine (MTBM). The MTBM, which is connected to and followed by the pipe being installed, ensures that soils being excavated are fully controlled with the rate of advancement of the machine at all times. According to American Society of civil Engineers standards, MT is defined as a remotely controlled, guided, pipe jacking technique that provides continuous support to the excavation face and does not require personnel entry into the tunnel. The system simultaneously installs pipe as spoil is excavated and removed.